Temperature taken under the arm usually is considered to be less accurate than most other body locations for measuring temperature. A child has a fever when his or her rectal temperature is 38c1004f or higher or armpit axillary temperature is 376c997f or higher.
3 Ways To Take A Temperature Wikihow
How accurate is armpit temp. Ear oral and rectal temperatures are considered the most accurate readings of actual body temperature. This measurement also known as axillary temperature tends to be about half a degree to a degree below oral temperature 1. Therefore normal axillary temperature would range between 976 degrees and 981 degrees fahrenheit 364 367 degrees celsius. Has a rectal ear or temporal artery temperature of 1004 f 38 c or higher has an oral temperature of 100 f 378 c or higher has an armpit temperature of 99 f 372 c or higher keep in mind that an armpit temperature might not be accurate. Rectal temperatures are generally thought to be the most accurate for checking a young childs temperature. Underarm axillary and forehead temperatures are considered to be the least accurate.
A forehead temporal scanner is usually 05f 03c to 1f 06c lower than an oral temperature. Talk to your doctor about what temperature range they would consider a fever and about the recommended treatment. An armpit axillary temperature is usually 05f 03c to 1f 06c lower than an oral temperature. With the axillary armpit temperature a fever is present if the reading is 994ºf or higher or over 372ºc but others consider 990ºf to be a fever depending on your doctors recommendation.